Sunday, October 19, 2008

Don't mess with Helvetica.

After watching the Helvetica film, I gained a new appreciation for the precision in this classic typeface's forms. I agree with the type designer in the film who said he could sit there and try to figure out how to improve the font, but would probably go crazy trying to do it. The font is just too perfect.

But along comes Microsoft, who takes no mind to stomping all over Helvetica, and releases a font no graphic design professional would ever use willingly: Arial.

Arial will always live in the shadow of Helvetica, so what's the point? Other than fooling those who don't know any better into using it, Microsoft basically accomplished nothing through the production of this wanna-be font.

Feel the same way I do? Check out this link and Beat Arial to a pulp!

1 comment:

Ruairi said...

haha..there is a strange satisfaction to be had by beating up Arial...