Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Optimize" your CSS usage

Since we spent the morning taking about optimization, here's a helpful link to a load of css tutorials and techniques.

The title of the page is "using CSS to do anything: 50+ tutorials and creative examples." There are some really great links on there about creating menu lists, setting up your document, making image galleries, generating rounded corners on boxes, etc. etc. Check it out!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In Print

What's better than writing a post on my blog about movie posters? Linking to a whole blog devoted to the subject! is a blog all about posters, specifically movie posters. New posters, old posters, posters about movies and movies about posters are featured on this blog, as well as some great links to movie poster galleries on other sites. A great place to start the plunge into movie poster design for our next assignment.

Friday, November 14, 2008

some more design INSPIRATION

As we all throw stuff around on a page and code, code, code away at our own websites, why not check out a few really cool ones on Design Licks. This website features a new "site of the day" every day. Some pretty cool stuff is featured on there! Just goes to show your only limit is your own imagination as far as website design goes.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wow, that IS mindblowing!

35 Mindblowing Inspirations And Resources For Designers And Developers To Discover The Best Of The Web In October - definitely worth checking out as we start designing our own websites. Some GREAT STUFF to draw from...

Also, as wine is set to go up 50 cents per bottle, will our standards go down to save money? You've got to wonder if "pretty packages are for suckers."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Web Designer Wall

Featuring tutorials to trends, this web design blog is a great resource for all of us new to website design. It's called Web Designer Wall and with plenty of CSS how-to's and lots of tips, there's a lot of good stuff to try out and play around with!